Survey Questions

  • EXPECTATION (Format: Short answer)

    1. What were your expectations of INNOCO?

    2. What did you expect of yourself through the process?

    3. Rate how well did the workshop series meet your expectations?


  • WORKSHOP: Select at least one activity from each workshop that was most impactful to your learning? (Format: Multiple Choice)

    1. Workshop 1: Creative confidence, Profile wall, Trust plank, Lost generation, ME=WE Mobius Strip, Hero’s journey, Gratitude jar, Innovation space, Design thinking process,  Noha Mahdi (The Mawada Project)

    2. Workshop 2: Toolbox for idea generation (storyboarding, POV), Interview process, Petar Petar Stojanov (Ebtikaar), Workbook template

    3. Workshop 3: Amin Matni (QBIC), VPD, BMC, Data Mapping, Dr. Moez El Shohdi (Food Bank Regional Network)

    4. Workshop 4: Prototyping, Dr. Wasseem Abaza (Zayed University), Business Strategy, Pitch Preparation


  • WORKBOOK (Format: Short answer)

    1. Was the Workbook template helpful as reference material?

    2. How can we improve it?

    3. What additional materials would you find helpful?


  • ACTIVITIES (Format: Short answer)

    1. Living On One Dollar Film Screening: was it helpful to continue your SE? If so how?

    2. Ahmed’s Farm Visit: was it helpful to continue your SE? If so how?


  • COMMUNICATION (Format: Scale rating answer 1-5)

    1. Rate how effective was mode of communication during the cycle

      1. Whatsapp Global Chat

      2. Groups with facilitators

      3. Delivery of workshops



    1. What qualities have you built up as an innovator in these areas below?  (Format: Scale rating answer 1-5)

      1. Creative Confidence

      2. Empathy DNA

      3. Design Thinking applications

      4. Building Social Enterprise

      5. Field Research

      6. Communication among team and stakeholders

      7. Presentation (how to deliver your ideas)

      8. Time Management

    2. List 3 best experience you had during the workshop series. (Format: Short Answer)

    3. List 3 main challenges you faced during the workshop series. (Format: Short Answer)

    4. What is your understanding about social innovation now? (Format: Short Answer)

What recommendations would you have for the INNOCO team for If you could make changes to the execution of workshops, what would they be? (Format: Short Answer)


Certificate Design for Cycle 1


Zero Impact Stories