ME=WE is our flagship product

Each changemaking pathway program is designed to support participants to experience ‘profound change’ for their community

Each Changemaking Pathway Program has 4 phases. It begins with raising an awareness among the participants of ME IS NOT WE (ME≠WE) which reflects the world today with all its divisions, fragmentation and adversarial relationships. The human condition needs a course correction. The next phase is to see the reality of ME AND WE (ME+WE). Alone we can't do much but together we can bring about profound change. The third phase is when we see and experience ME WE AS A UNIT (ME WE). "I need you to know who I am." We are interconnected, interdependent and interrelated. We need to flip our way of seeing and connect with the other. And lastly we explore the true reality of ME IS WE (ME=WE). There is union in our differences which co-evolves our consciousness and actions, celebrates diversity and pays it forward towards co-creating the oneness of humanity.

"Our society must move from the ego-system to ecosystem economics and it requires that we shift from ego-system silos to ecosystem awareness that considers others and includes the whole." - Otto Scharmer

Social INNOVATION program (me=we V.1)
